Saturday 19 May 2018

(Post 25/week 21)Investment project updates:Posb invest saver MAY 2018 summary and choosing a peer to peer lending platform

6.Posb invest saver

This week, my monthly regular saving plan letter has arrived!

Regular saving plan updates for ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund(A35)

Breakdown of my regular saving plan(A35) this month(May 2018)
Total amount(regular saving plan)A35:$100
Price per share:$1.112400
Gross sales charge:0.5%
Net sales charge amount:0.5% of 100=$0.50
Net amount invested: Total amount-net sales charge amount=$100-$0.50=$99.50
Units issued: Net amount invested/price per share=$99.50/$1.12400=89.446242359=89 units

Summary: As of 18 May 2018, the share price of A35 is going down. At 6 May the share price was at 1.117(See the previous post). Will be watching it for any further movement before purchasing it in a lump sum, could also be a warning sign that economy is slowing down.

Regular saving plan updates for Nikko AM Singapore STI ETF(G3B)

Breakdown of my regular saving plan(G3B) for this month(May 2018)
Total amount(regular saving plan)A35:$100
Price per share:$3.662300
Gross sales charge:0.82%
Net sales charge amount:0.82% of $100=$0.82
Net amount invested: Total amount-Net sales charge amount=$100-$0.82=99.18
Units issued: Net amount invested/price per share=$99.18/$3.662300=27.081342326=27 units

Summary: As of 18 may 2018 market closing time, the share price of G3B is at 3.66. At 6 may, the share price was at 3.73(See the previous post) so it seems like the share price may be going down. Will be watching it along with A35 for any further movement before purchasing it in a lump sum.

(Current regular saving plan portfolio)

7.Choosing a peer to peer lending

The research link below from seedly is a very good comparison on the peer to peer platform in Singapore


  1. Require only minimally $100 for investing
  2. High-interest rates (this mean that it comes with higher risk as...
  3. The loans are for SME companies in Singapore which may default on payment(this is true as I already have one of my SME loan in the delinquent status)
  4. The platform all charge an investor service fee
  5. Always invest in the minimal amount(money that you can lose)
  6. Funding societies have a default rate of 1.48% and moolahsense has a default rate of 3.48%
However, The #1 Reason on why I used moolahsense more frequently than funding societies...

Because funding societies do not reveal the name of the companies that you can invest in compare to moolahsense(I am unable to provide a picture for proof due to confidentiality of the companies but you can see the review below)

(picture from this link)

But!funding societies loan campaign is definitely filling up faster than moolahsense and it's often hard to invest in a funding societies campaign as they are often fill up quickly and because its default rate is lower compared to moolahsense, so I would say both platforms are good to try out

(picture from this link)

Anyway, if you would like to know more about my moolahsense and funding societies journey do stay tuned for part 3(I don't really like writing a long post)on learning how to read financial statements and a summary of my Moolahsense loan!

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